Strategic committee

A strategic advice committee advises the board of directors. The strategic committee consists of the Flanders’ FOOD chair, Fevia Vlaanderen's secretary general Boerenbond's chair, ILVO's general administrator, Ghent University's director of research, VUB's director of valorisation and a representative form KU Leuven's Research & Development. The committee has decision-making power and meets approximately twice a year to discuss the spearhead cluster's strategic options  in the area of research and innovation. The focus is mainly on the spearhead cluster's long-term research activities.

Members strategic committee

Jan Vander Stichele
Chair Board of Directors
Chairman Lotus Bakeries
Joris Relaes
Administrateur Generaal
Ignace Lemahieu
Director of Research Affairs Universiteit Gent
Member Board of Directors (Flanders Make)
Nadia Lapage
Treasurer Board of Directors
Secretary general at FEVIA Vlaanderen
Hugo Thienpont
Director of Brussels Photonics